San Niklaw Chapel, Siggiewi

San Niklaw Chapel, Siggiewi

The church of San Niklaw, in the confines of Ħal Niklusi and Ħal Kbir is mentioned in the 17th century book of Fra Giovann Francesco Abela, “Malta Illustrata (Descrizione di Malta, Isola del Mare Siciliano e Adriatico)” written during the reign of Grandmaster De Rohan. The book mentions San Niklaw and Hal Niklusi specifically on the visit of Bishop Dusina in 1575 and his observations on this church, the lands around it, the Mass and vespers obligations and so on.

Although the present church was built in the 17th century, it is believed that it stands on the site of a much earlier, 12th century church constructed in an area known as tal-Merħla in San Niklusi by the Benedictines at the time when the Latin rite and early Latin monasticism started to flourish on the island. Similar to the one in Siġġiewi, the church in San Niklusi was always dedicated to St Nicholas, as the name of the hamlet suggests. This was the oldest church of St Nicholas within the area of the hamlets that today constitute Siġġiewi.

Devotion towards St Nicholas is perhaps best manifested in the number of persons from the area, also then, bearing the name of the saint. The local Militia (Dejma) roll-call from 1420 contains 7 persons named Kola (Nicholas) all from hamlets surrounding present day Siġġiewi.

However, the titular painting in this church is dedicated to Our Lord of Divine Mercy. The rays coming out of the image symbolise the graces of Divine Mercy poured out upon the world, especially through Baptism and the Eucharist. 

From the San Niklaw Church we continue in the direction of Our Lady of Providence Church, Siggiewi.