Immaculate Conception Church, tal-Hondoq, Qala

Immaculate Conception Church, tal-Hondoq, Qala

The church of the Immaculate Conception in Qala, Gozo, overlooking Hondoq ir-Rummien, is one of the oldest churches on the island certainly existing during the pastoral visit of Inquisitor Dusina. Although significantly weathered, the outside of the church has a number of ancient mariner graffiti etched into it including carracks, galleons and sloops (tal-Latini). This is generally a votive sign of persons saved either from storms or captivity.

Nobody knows the exact origins of the church, but it is likely that the original church was built on an earlier pagan temple. There are also Neolithic remains (3,500BC). During the Byzantine era Malta formed part of the “ecclesia africana” led by disciples of St Augustine who also visited the Maltese islands. A pre-cursor of the this church in Qala can be traced back to at least the 6th century, during the time of the Byzantines (535AD-870AD) under Belisarius and Bishop Julianus of Malta (553AD-592AD).

As a Christian shrine it developed into a place of pilgrimage and was – at one time – covered with ex-voto offerings inside. Whether earthquakes, heavy storms, drought, corsair attacks and epidemics, many faithful interceded to Our Lady. Historically, the church was dedicated to the Annunciation but was later re-dedicated to the Immaculate Conception of Mary, serving as the main parish church for the East of Gozo when Nadur was elevated to a parish (encompassing also Ghajnsielem, Qala and the island of Comino) in the late seventeenth century.

During his pastoral visit in 1575, Bishop Pietro Dusina found the church in Qala almost in ruins due to the frequent raids conducted by muslim corsairs (pirates) on Gozo. The church was then declared ‘profaned’ and closed. However, locals contributed to its restoration. On November 21, 1615, the Maltese Bishop Baldassare Caligares of the Sovereign Military Order of St. John of Jerusalem changed the title of the Qala church from Our Lady of the Assumption to that of the Immaculate Conception to fulfill a vow he had made to Our Lady that he would spread the devotion to this title of the Virgin. The new titular painting too was a gift from Galigares himself, as thanksgiving to God for being elevated to the Episcopate.

Two and a half centuries later Qala was separated from the parish of Nadur and elevated to a Parish, with the Immaculate Conception church serving as its first Parish Church from 1872 until 1889 when the the new parish church dedicated to St. Joseph and the Immaculate Conception was built.

From here the walk continues in ascent in the direction of Xaghra and the Parish of the Nativity of Mary.